Friday, August 8, 2014

What Brings Incredible Joy?

Question…Have you ever left home and ran out for a short time but, before you left, you gave instructions to your kids of a few things to complete before your return? If you are like me, you have returned to find, at times, they "forgot" or "got busy" doing other things. In these cases, disappointment is the overwhelming emotion for me as the parent. BUT, there have been a couple of times when everything was completed just like I had asked. I even remember one day (the stars and planets must have aligned) my kids completed everything WITHOUT BEING TOLD OR REMINDED...complete JOY filled my soul…just typing this brings a smile to my face:)

In week 2 of our series, TWO SHIPS, Same Waters…Different Purpose, we will be talking about what brings incredible joy not only to God, but to ourselves as well! For those looking to increase their personal level of soul satisfaction...see you soon.

Pastor Ken

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