Wednesday, August 26, 2015

My suggested reading list from my “interesting conversation” blog post yesterday…

A couple people have asked what books I recommended for our “reluctant atheist” to read. I will share the books I suggested but, as always, the content of the books should match the questions or the personal quest you are on. For example, I’m not sure this would be the suggested reading list for someone struggling in a particular relationship, issues of forgiveness, etc.

Here is the list:

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel
The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
Reaching for the Invisible God by Philip Yancey
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

Happy reading and be sure to look for those “God orchestrated” appointments today that you had no idea would happen…but God had it planned before time even began.

Have a great rest of your week,
Pastor Ken

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I just had the most interesting conversation...

I briefly met a guy a month or so ago who asked if we could sit down and talk sometime. My responsibilities as Senior Pastor do not allow a great deal of time for me to meet individually with people but, as we talked, I sensed the Holy Spirit’s gentle whisper saying, “Make time for this guy.” Today was the first time both of our schedules lined up.

My new friend described himself as a “reluctant atheist” who has been faithfully attending Cypress for the past two years. He said during these past two years he has missed maybe four weekends but caught up online the very next week (funny side note- this shows again how “powerful” my preaching is that this guy has not missed a week in two years and still considers himself an atheist
J). We had a great conversation about his spiritual journey and questions that are arising in his mind. I recommended a couple of books he may enjoy reading as he continues down his spiritual path of discovery and I told him we will meet again in a month or two after he rolls through the reading list I provided.

As he left my office, I was reminded again…it’s ALL ABOUT THE HARVEST!

P.S. He also thanked me for letting him off the hook on tithing since he doesn’t believe yet, but he did want me to know he brought in a backpack! I told him that was awesome and we are so thankful he is here and a part of what’s happening.

P.S.S. I leave you with this…SMILE EXTRA BIG this weekend when you come to church…you just might rub shoulders with or end up sitting next to “our reluctant atheist” who is searching for answers and truth to the biggest questions of life- God may use you to plant a seed

Thursday, August 20, 2015

My family loves to go to...

This is the time of year my family loves to go to the farmers’ market. Okay, truth be known, my boys and I love for Serena to go and bring home good stuff to eatJ This weekend we are talking about THE HARVEST. I have learned so much in my preparation for this weekend’s teaching. Get ready to talk about and ENJOY the HARVEST seasons of life!

See ya soon,
Pastor Ken

Friday, August 14, 2015

THREE things I'm asking of you...

I will keep this short. As I’ve been praying, I believe this weekend’s message could be the most important message I’ve given all summer. I’ve seen things in Scripture that I haven’t noticed before and I believe the Lord has given me a message to pass on.

Here is what I’m asking of you:
1. Pray between now and this weekend for the services
2. Be sure to come for worship
3. Bring a friend you think could use some encouragement

See you soon,
Pastor Ken

Friday, August 7, 2015

Two things that are guaranteed in life...

While watching the first GOP debate last night (I must be getting oldJ), I was reminded of something I heard years earlier…there are only two guarantees in life- Death & Taxes! When it comes to politics, I tend to agree. These are two things we can count on regardless of who the next President of the United States is. We will be paying taxes until the day we die. But, what if there were some guarantees for the living of life beyond politics? God reveals in scripture several promises and life principles which are always true. It is truth that can become a foundation to build your life on that will never give way.

A Seed of Love vs. a Seed of Hate
A Seed of Encouragement vs. a Seed of Discouragement
A Seed planted, taking root, will produce certain fruit…I promise!

This weekend we dive into what the Bible has to say about planting good seeds in our life and the lives of those around us.

See you this weekend,
Pastor Ken