Friday, November 1, 2013

The Life Money Can't Buy...

A few weeks ago we all watched the “Government Shutdown and Fiscal Cliff Crisis” play out on national television each night. Regardless of your political persuasion, our nation’s financial policies and practices would bankrupt the average American household in a matter of no time. So the question is, “Who, or what, should be our guide for financial matters?”
Money and our thinking regarding finances, as well as our daily interactions regarding financial matters, affect so much more than our mere bank accounts. Personal levels of peace, the ability to be used by God to help others, and much more, are often times boiled down to how we interact with money and possessions. In terms of your financial situation, are you Blessed or Stressed? I’ve known rich people who were stressed beyond measure, and I’ve known people of modest means who will tell you they were blessed beyond comprehension. Therefore, blessed or stressed must not be exclusively about how much, or how little, we have.
During this four week series, we will be diving into Scripture to examine the clear teaching from Christ regarding our finances. The Bible teaches two paths in life regarding our finances. One path leads to the Blessed Life and the other to a Stressed Life. I believe each of us may dip one foot on either side, but the majority live on one side versus the other.
Join us this weekend as we discover the Blessed Lifethe life money can’t buy, but it sure can hinder!
See you this weekend!
Pastor Ken

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