Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Several thoughts to help shape not just 2013, but eternity...

I feel bad for the 2nd of January. I mean, January 1 gets all the press...the relaxing kickoff to a new year. By the time January 2 rolls around, many are already questioning their New Year’s resolutions (I recently heard only 8% of those who make New Year’s resolutions actually keep them). Many also dread going back to work after celebrating the holidays. 
So, on this January 2, let me share a few thoughts that could really shape not just 2013, but ETERNITY.
  1. Many of you prayed and invited for our eight Christmas Services. THANK YOU! Many of you have heard by now that 7,979 people gathered to worship. YOU played a valuable role in so many people experiencing the Christmas story. INVITE THEM BACK this weekend for the kickoff of our new series, Happily Ever After...what story are you writing? We may even work in a little Duck Dynasty to help us kick off everything. It will be fun and meaningful as we explore what God’s Word has to say about Living Fulfilled, Happy, Joyful Lives.
  2. PRAY for your church staff as you pray for your own family and God’s blessings. God can do anything he chooses, but often he chooses to work through people. We covet your regular prayers for God’s continued leading and wisdom as we serve you.
  3. Start this year off right and get to church this weekend! It really is about the HABIT of breaking away from our regular weekly routine to set aside ONE HOUR to WORSHIP CHRIST with others. Two different days ~ Two different campuses ~ Four different service times to choose from.
Last year was amazing for Cypress. More people joined God’s family, and more people made deep commitments to give and to serve, than any other time before. We have much to be thankful for.
As your Senior Pastor, I want you to know I truly believe our best is yet to come...we are just beginning to scratch the surface of God’s Full Potential for us.
Can’t wait to worship with you this weekend,
Pastor Ken

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