Friday, January 18, 2013

Are you a GRAPE or a MARBLE?

Happily Ever After- Week 3, 

In addition to marriage advice from the Duck Dynasty Crew, we will be diving into the role relationships play in affecting our Happiness … or lack thereof. How do I limit the “control” others seem to have over me? Does establishing healthy boundaries go against Christian love? What’s the formula for healthy relationships? Am I a grape or a marble…

Bring a friend...don't have one...come make a new friend and learn how to be a better one.

See you soon,
Pastor Ken

PS. I’m hearing great things about our Dublin Campus...check it out Sunday, 10 am, at Dublin Coffman High School!

PSS. For those whose schedules allow, thank you for partnering with us by giving Saturday night service- 6 PM, or Sunday morning service- 9:30 AM a try at our Alton Darby Campus. Whichever service you attend, invite a friend and come ready to learn, worship, have fun, and then, go change the world…one person at a time!

1 comment:

  1. Ken,

    My wife and I attend the Dublin Campus and we are so happy to have found this church family.

    What an excellent message and analogy... grapes and marbles!!! I work with a lot of churches in the area of finance, planning and aligning common goals. I hope you dont mind if I borrow your analogy for my upcoming pastor's council. I think it will be a very effective tool in breaking the ice I often encounter in such settings.

    Thanks for your leadership. I look forward to next Sunday.

    David Kuhn
