Saturday, February 28, 2015

An incredible story of faithfulness and blessing...

My name is ______________ and I have been attending Cypress for nearly six years now.

I used to give $20 to $50 here and there when the offering plate came around, but have been "religiously" tithing on a consistent basis for nearly two of those years.

Last year around March, opportunities presented themselves to me and my base salary more than doubled. Honestly, I didn't think much of it aside from the fact that it was my solely personal accomplishments that got me to that point. I failed to give the Lord nearly enough credit for the achievement, but it was not until yesterday that I really put the two together.

I have continued to tithe because I truly believe that everything is His and to honor Him with 10%+ with every dime that comes my way is not asking much at all. Yesterday I received a phone call based on an interview I had on Wednesday for a dream promotion. I was offered the position, and once again, my base salary was doubled!

This time, I will not be as selfish.

All of the glory goes to Him!

God is good!


If you’d like to watch Pastor Ken's 
messages online Click Here
To learn more about Online Giving and Text giving Click Here
To submit a prayer request, send an email to ~

Friday, February 27, 2015

What is the ONE thing that truly matters?

When you strip away the busyness and the layers of life, there really is only ONE thing that truly matters…

If you call Cypress home, do whatever you can to be here every weekend this next month. It really is a matter of life and death…possibly for you, a friend of yours, a family member of yours, or possibly a complete stranger to you but someone else’s son or daughter.

I believe this weekend at Cypress will be the most impactful weekend of worship we've ever experienced in all the years I've been here!

Pastor Ken

Friday, February 20, 2015

YOU ASKED...check out some of the questions being covered this weekend!

This weekend we are wrapping up our current series, YOU ASKED FOR IT. We’ll be discussing topics like these:

- Can a Christian drink alcohol and go to “R” rated movies?
- If an ax murderer “gives his life” to Jesus right before the electric chair, does he go to heaven?
- Does the Bible mention dinosaurs?
- How old is the earth and does it matter?
- It’s so cold…do you think H--- has frozen over? (kidding- I just made that one upJ)

I hope you will make weekend worship a priority. I always look forward to celebrating communion, singing together of God’s greatness and grace, and stretching ourselves to become more and do more according to His design.

Love ya and hope to see you soon,
Pastor Ken

Friday, February 13, 2015

See what YOU ASKED FOR this weekend...

If Week 1 of this series, YOU ASKED FOR IT, was the most important talk I've ever given (Methodist, Muslim and Mormon…what’s the difference?), and Week 2 was the most anticipated talk I've ever given (The Grey Areas of Sexuality)…then this week may be the most useful and practical (Why do bad things happen in this world and how do I get through them?).

How do I reconcile a loving God with a painful world?
Why is it that some people shut down in the midst of pain while others “make it through” and, at times, seem to be stronger as a result?

This would be a great weekend to bring a friend!

You are not alone and there is HOPE! 
See you soon, Pastor Ken

Friday, February 6, 2015

I believe this may be a new record...

The Grey Areas of Sexuality…

I believe we may have set a new record.  I've been receiving emails and phone calls BEFORE I even preach this weekend’s message.  And, they do not even know I will be talking about the LGBT community, pornography, erotica and heterosexual sins.  I shared with someone recently I think this will be an equal opportunity offensive message for everyone (or at least hard to hear).

Remember this from Scripture…
o   God is not anti-sex (His Idea)
o   God created and loves all people
o   God clearly lays out how "to live” and "not to live” your life
o   God clearly explains how to interact with others who may not believe the same thing you do…

This should be interesting…and remember…You Asked For ItJ
Pastor Ken