Friday, December 6, 2013

A few things to know before this weekend...

A Weekend in December…a Christmas Musical Experience

Here are a few things I want to pass along:
  1. It will be an incredible worship experience!
  2. You will want to arrive early for great seating (AD campus south lot is experimenting with a parking lot bus…so don’t let the cold keep you away)
  3. This would be a great weekend to invite friends!
I also wanted to encourage you, as I was this morning, with a couple emails I received. The individuals were reflecting on their personal blessings of honoring the Lord, in light of our recent series on finances.

“Giving my finances to God has already reduced the stress level in my life over the past month. Christ has given me peace where I used to fret so much.”

“I'm not going to make a big deal about this, but I wanted you to know! I could come up with many excuses, but there would never be one that was sufficient! My life is blessed, and I recognize that! For me to continue to rob the one who blesses it would be inconceivable!”

I pray you may experience God’s mighty hand of provision and blessing as we strive to honor and worship him in our daily living.

I can hardly wait to worship Him, with YOU, this weekend!
Pastor Ken 

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