Monday, April 1, 2013

Top Ten Reflections List from Easter

1. 100s, if not 1000s, of Volunteers

A HUGE Thank You to literally hundreds of volunteers who helped make eight services possible at two different campuses. From parking team (in the rain) to set-up crew in the early morning hours (at Dublin), to nursery workers, musicians and tech team…to all who made it possible – Thank You!

2. Three Days Later . . . do I really need to explain?

3. Four Yellow sticky notes

Four sticky notes from our Dublin Campus… all worth it!
Seeing a family of four come up with four sticky notes… all worth it!

4a. I rode my motorcycle to church Thursday, Friday & Saturday. (It was really all about saving parking spots for cars:)

4b. I live close enough to church so I didn’t have to ride more than 3 minutes; it was a chilly ride home.

5. Over 7,200 heard the greatest story the world has ever heard… the largest Easter attendance we’ve ever had! And you guys did so well, we had enough room for everyone to sit! Thank you for your patience as we struggled a little with parking, but we managed J

6. Purple sticky notes… I’ve heard many stories of the re-commitments and personal responses to Christ, as we responded to His invitation this Easter.

7a. Hearing stories from those of you who took a risk and invited... whether your “invite” made it or not, THANK YOU for being faithful to do your part! Serena and I both invited people this year. They did thank us but didn’t make it. 

7b. Hearing stories of folks who have been to Cypress a million times connecting and worshiping with some here for the first time… and the new ones say they will be back! 

Never forget, the goal is not how many we can get to attend one weekend, it’s how many we can compel to return and walk / live life with Christ daily. I measure the success of Easter by:
a. How many connected / responded to the story of Christ
b. How many will count Easter 2013 as their spiritual starting point
c. How many of the “newer friends” to Cypress we can get to come back the following week
d. Was Christ glorified and honored above all?

8. Celebrating Hope In Christ… His Love Never Runs Out

9. No one got “sea sick” during the video for UNSINKABLE! I can hardly wait for next week and the new series.

10. Incredible stories from both our Student and Children’s Ministries… they celebrated the Greatest Story Ever Heard in age-appropriate, creative and engaging ways.

11. Giving away over 2,200 Bibles! I know I said Top Ten, but this one was too good not to make the list:)

Many great memories… but now it’s over. We move on in the Truth and Hope of Christ … day by day. His mercy is new EVERY DAY!

Have a great rest of your week and SEE YOU SOON,
Pastor Ken


  1. My husband and I were invited to Cypress a little over a month ago and I truly believe it has changed our family. From the moment we walked in, it felt like home and every week we are so excited to return. Easter 2013 IS my spiritual renewing point and I want to thank you and all of the CWC family for making mine feel so welcome in our new church family.

  2. Ken.....For the first time I understand what it means when Jesus died on the cross for me. I was one of the purple notes. I have been trying to carry all my hurts....pain....fear...mistakes...and sins myself but Sunday changed my life. When the cross was raised and knwoing my name was on the cross I wepted like a broken child. It hit me what it means when he died for me and took my sins upon himself. That evening I watched the conclusion of The Bible. I wept because sunday morning carried through to the evening and when I saw all jesus went through for changed my life. This Easter is one I will never forget and will stay with me forever. Thank you Ken and thank you to all who made this weekend a life changing weekend.
