Monday, July 2, 2012

Top 10 Reflections & Highlights from Biker Weekend...

1.  The Value of Great Leadership & a Great Team:  If you want to do something small with little impact…do it yourself.  If you want to be a part of something BIG, with BIG ETERNAL IMPACT…gather a great team!  Dwayne Cochran and his team, Bikers for Christ, did an amazing job. Thank you!

2.  So PROUD of the Love and Generosity you exhibited to support Angels of East Africa...just over $28,000 was given to support this ministry!

3.  There was a huge response of people, at every service, committing to seek Christ to change their lives!

4.  Amazed, once again, at what God can do with one life surrendered to him, no matter what one’s background might be.

5.  Reminded, once again, not to judge a book by its cover.  Equally surprised to see “young kids in skinny jeans” leading worship, via bluegrass, as “bikers who look like they could kill you” worshiping Jesus with arms lifted high to heaven.

6.  The power of an invitation at work…I’ve heard several stories of Cypress people who invited friends…they came, they heard, they accepted Jesus into their lives!  Thank you for INVITING!

7.  An unreal, huge, BIG, over the top THANKS to all of our Children’s Ministry volunteers who “rolled with the flow,” especially at the 11:15am service.  We try very hard to keep our service times to one hour (out of respect for our people, volunteers, and especially our guests).  Funny side note…sports is about the only arena where people get excited for “over time”  I have not heard one complaint from our volunteers who pulled a “DOUBLE OVERTIME” as ETERNAL WORK was being accomplished, by Christ, through our GUEST SPEAKER!

8.  I’m always impressed by the power of advance planning…not just the leadership and teamwork, but all the food that was purchased, all the preparations, t-shirts, door prizes, advertising, etc…advance planning pays off.

9.  It’s always great to see record, near “standing room only,” crowds…especially in response to #3 and then #2.

10. The biker ride was really fun, even though Serena and I had to cut ours short for Peyton’s last baseball game of the summer!

Basking in the Beauty of God’s Goodness today…have a safe and fun July 4th!
See you this weekend….It’s BIG!

Pastor Ken


  1. Awesome. Awesome. AWESOME!!! Great comments and perspective... - Shawn

  2. Even though I was not there in person...#4 is ALWAYS my favorite thing to witness!!! Can't wait to watch online.

  3. The sound of Motorcycles revving in the main lobby didn't make the top10 list, darn it, I had fun doing that. The services were amazing and moving. It moved our son on Saturday night enough to go up to the Alter and give his life to Christ and then return on Sunday to enjoy the service again and ask me to get him a Bible. It also brought our daughter even closer to being ready to except Christ into her life. Thank you Cypress for all you did to make this happen and being so supportive to those of us in BFC. We had a lot of fun doing our part and I would love to start greeting people at the door on a regular basis. Thank's again, Brian
