Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012 ... Five things I want to share

Easter 2012 recap … “there’s no place like home”

1.     A HUGE THANK YOU to the hundreds of volunteers who made seven services possible last week/weekend…equaling countless hours of service to honor Christ and to touch lives.  At one service, a Children’s Ministry volunteer cared for the daughter of a woman I invited; the mom loved the service and I’ve heard her daughter loved Kids’ Church.  A personal thank you to that volunteer!

2.     To all who extended invitations to friends…Thank you!

3.     To all who “shifted” your normal service time to make room for others…Thank you!  We had the largest Easter attendance ever at Cypress - 6,784!!  Everyone had a place to park and a place to sit at all services.  Praise God!

4.     To all who made a significant decision for Christ…CONGRATULATIONS!!  We are proud of you!  Here are a sampling of conversations and emails I’ve received lately:

-        My boyfriend raised his hand to accept Christ today!
-        My mother-in-law raised her hand to follow Christ today!
-        I invited my co-worker and her boyfriend…they both came and accepted Christ today!
-        That service spoke to me in a special way…I’m back on the right path!
-        That was the first time I’ve been to church in a long time and the first time I have ever been excited to GO BACK!  See you next week!
5.     Remember, we measure success by lives changed for Christ, not by record attendance.  However, with record attendance, there are more ears and hearts to hear and experience the life-changing message of Christ.  The next big weekend will be NEXT WEEKEND!  Let’s join together to see how many we can get to come back as we launch our new series, Doors…Closing the Door of Regret.

With heartfelt thanks,
Pastor Ken


  1. Wonderful feedback - what a blessing!

    And thank you, Pastor Ken, for your dedication and your willingness to share of yourself so that others may come to know Christ.

  2. I just want to say thank you Pastor Ken and all of Cypress. Since coming to this church I have been seeing major changes in our house. Our daughter loves being in the choir and Mark does a outstanding job with them. It was truly a great feeling seeing her up there for the Easter Services looking so very happy. I went to the Saturday 7:00PM service after being re-baptized earlier that day. I have to say that service touched me in such away that was very moving and emotional. I am so very grateful for you Pastor Ken, the way you minister is the best I have ever experienced.
