Friday, April 25, 2014

What Would Jesus Say to...Miley Cyrus?

From the little girl who grew up as an “all-American girl” on the Disney channel to the young woman who popularized "twerking" as an American phenomenon, Miley Cyrus has undergone quite a transformation. Whenever you make Time Magazine's Top 100 Most Influential People list, you know you yield a tremendous amount of influence in culture and society.

While I don't know of too many churches that would attempt to recruit Miley to teach Sunday School to their children…what if Jesus were to have a sit-down conversation with Miley, what do you think he would say? I will answer that question this weekend and the answer might surprise you.

See you soon,
Pastor Ken

PS. Be praying for the 600+ students going on our ALLNIGHTER this Saturday night.
Pray for:
- safety of all
- sanity & a little sleep for the leaders
- salvation & seeds for those who don't yet know
- steps to be taken for all on their spiritual journey

Monday, April 21, 2014

My Top Reflections from EASTER 2014

1. I’m incredibly thankful for the hundreds of volunteers who served faithfully and joyfully to allow us to experience #CypressEaster 2014. You are the “behind the scene” heroes who help us do what we do…REACH, GROW, SERVE and CONNECT PEOPLE CLOSER TO CHRIST AND ONE ANOTHER! Thank you!

2. THERE WERE 345 FIRST-TIME DECISIONS TO STEP ACROSS THAT LINE OF FAITH AND BEGIN A RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST! Every service, at both campuses, saw first-time decisions! #partyinheaven

3. I’m thankful for a meaningful talk with Peyton (our ten year old) at bedtime because of all that HE EXPERIENCED IN KID’S CHURCH! Thank you to Kathy George and her team for pouring into my kids (and all the others who are here each and every week).

4. I’m thinking of a family (a mom and three kids) who has been listening online but decided to drive 3½ hours, each way, to attend the 6pm service on Alton Darby Campus in person!

5. Gooey Butter Cake! (sorry, these are my reflections…just keeping it real).

6. I’m thinking about a family I heard of…it took them 40 minutes to get out of our Alton Darby Campus parking lot (so sorry, not good). I’m thankful we had four sheriff deputies to help move traffic and control the lights, and very thankful that we will have a new exit, near the cemetery, by next Easter.

7. I’m thankful for our new church staff members and their families who have joined us since last Easter. Jody, Ron, Nate, and Heidi, you add so much to our ability to REACH, GROW, SERVE and CONNECT PEOPLE TO CHRIST AND ONE ANOTHER.

8. I’m thankful for the people who affirmed, with tears in their eyes, that they met Christ in a significant way.

9. 7,376 attended Easter services…we’ve never had more on Easter!

10. I’m thankful for all of you who PRAYED and INVITED in preparation for the celebration.

11. I’m thankful I don’t have to wait until next Easter to celebrate again with my church family. I’m also thankful TODAY, TOMORROW & FOREVER…THE TOMB IS EMPTY AND JESUS IS ALIVE! That’s strength for today and a bright hope for tomorrowJ

Friday, April 18, 2014

These 3 Days Change Everything...

I was skimming through Facebook this morning and saw a post from an old high school acquaintance. I have seen previous posts from this person about living for the weekend (seems to be stuck in the forever HS land…partying, broken relationships, broken dreams, etc.). But what I noticed in today’s post was a reference to "Good Friday" and what Christ did for us on the cross. As I read further, it seems this person has undergone a complete life change as a result of their relationship with Jesus Christ (at least based upon the "fruit" of what is being posted on their Facebook page).

These 3 Days Really CAN Change Everything!
  • Pray- Christ is honored and people experience and respond to the opportunity Christ offered.
  • Invite- Make one more call, send one more text, extend one more invitation…you never know.
  • Step Up- Come ready to step up. THE TOMB IS EMPTY! JESUS IS ALIVE!
Oh My Word!! I can hardly wait to celebrate with you!!
Pastor Ken

Easter Service Times:

Alton Darby Campus-
Friday, April 18- 7:00pm
Saturday, April 19- 5:00pm & 6:30pm
Sunday, April 20- 8:30am, 10:00am, 11:30am & 6:00pm

Dublin Campus-
Sunday, April 20- 10:00am

Share this Easter promo with friends - EASTER AT CYPRESS

Friday, April 11, 2014

EXPERIENCE the Stations of the Cross...

There are some things in life that you simply need to experience, in order to truly "experience" it. Descriptions paint a partial picture but actually living the experience brings it to life and provides a depth of feeling and meaning.

For instance:

Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, or any other day for that matter…

The birth of a child...

The pain and joy of raising that child...

Walking your daughter down the aisle...

Sharing ice cream with your grandkids on a hot summer day...

Reconnecting with an old friend from years ago and feeling like you never missed a beat…

There are certain moments in life that can be described but experiencing them for yourself allows you to feel the fullness of the moment.

Come and EXPERIENCE the Love, Death and Obedience of Christ. We are walking through the Stations of the Cross this weekend at Cypress…don’t miss this opportunity to experience all that God has in store for you.

See you soon, Pastor Ken

Friday, April 4, 2014

Are you ready for the IMPOSSIBLE?

A business partnership can make or break you. Think of some great "teammates and partners" you've had over the span of your life and career. Now, think of some "duds" you've been associated with. Does one group bring a smile and great memories while the other...well, not so much?

Can you imagine being invited into a working partnership with the most powerful, wisest, “the end is already guaranteed” person you can think of? Yes, it's GOD himself and that is His offer for us. If we truly want to be an eyewitness to the IMPOSSIBLE, then we need to partner with God to experience the MIRACULOUS!

I believe the result of our time together this weekend will shape the future of eternity. I'd love for you and your family to experience it for yourselves!

This weekend kicks off a new series, DO THE IMPOSSIBLE

See you soon,
Pastor Ken