Friday, June 28, 2013

Let's Take a Walk This Weekend...

During a person’s lifetime, there are several significant walks they may take:
     Crossing a stage in cap and gown…
     Down an aisle to pledge a promise…
     Down a hallway to welcome the newest member of a family…
     Going back to the house as your son/daughter drives away for the first
     Returning home after “unpacking” that same son/daughter at college…
     Down a different aisle to say a final goodbye to someone you dearly loved…

Christ had several significant and memorable walks as well:
     As a young boy, to Jerusalem for Passover…
     As a man, to Jerusalem for the last time to celebrate Passover…
     From an upper room…to a garden…to a mock trial…to the path that would
     lead through the streets of Jerusalem…to a hill, just outside of town, that
     would mark the end…which was really “the beginning.”

This weekend, you will have the opportunity to take a “walk.” I’ve been praying it will be both significant and memorable.

I can hardly wait to worship with you this weekend,
Pastor Ken 

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