Friday, September 26, 2014

The most important KEY when INFLUENCING others...

If I told you I would share the number one, single-most important key when it comes to INFLUENCING your kids, grandkids, friends and neighbors...would you want to know?

If so, I hope you are able to join us for worship this weekend…
  • we will be honoring the King of Kings, Maker of Heaven and Earth
  • we will be encouraging one another
  • we will be singing songs that make our hearts rejoice
  • we will be teaching the "Next Generation" how great our God is in ways that relate to them
  • we will be reading and learning from His Word
  • we will be better people when we leave than when we entered...because of time spent with God and one another!
I believe lives will be changed forever this weekend!

See you soon,
Pastor Ken

Friday, September 19, 2014

We can all use a little laughter...

This weekend is tailor made for anyone who doesn't remember the last time they truly laughed or has ever struggled with/experienced failure in life...either personally or someone they love and care for. If you fit either category or you know of someone who does, be sure you both get to church this weekend!

Weekend worship is going to be very special…
  • For God so loved the world (all of us included)...that he sent his son Jesus...that all (you and me) might have life and have it to the fullest
  • EVERYONE struggles with failure from time to time
  • When I struggle to see God moving in my life…God is never the problem
  • In order to receive the encouragement and instruction of worship and to be a part of the body of Christ, my regular participation within the body of Christ is required
  • When I pause to reflect...worship is not just about ME, nor is it all about really is all about HE
  • Since it is all about HE, then we must be about HIS plan
  • God's plan is to change the world through INFLUENCE...people inviting and bringing people to Jesus
  • Christ receives the honor and people become set free to experience God's best plan for their life
Everyone can relate to the struggles of failure (whether their own, a child's, or a friend) and…I've never met someone who said they have all the joy and laughter they can stand and don't need any more…extend an inviteJ

See you soon,
Pastor Ken

Friday, September 5, 2014

If I could go back and do it over again, I would...

I have been looking forward to this weekend since last May! If we do an honest inventory of our lives, there are a number of "influences" that have helped shape us into the people we are today. One of the greatest influences has been our interactions with other people...some were good, some were painful, some were helpful while others were disruptive. There comes a point in life, where we say to ourselves, “if I could go back and do that season of life over again, I would make some different decisions.” And, if you say you wouldn't, you should.

This new series asks the question, “How can we leverage our influence to help others and ourselves in this thing called LIFE?” If the next generation is going to soar and experience levels of living and fulfillment more quickly than our generation did, then YOU have a vital role to play.

Starting this weekend ... 8 service times and 2 campuses to choose from!

Alton Darby:
     Saturday- 5:00 & 6:30 PM
     Sunday- 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM
     Sunday- 9:30 & 11:00 AM

See you this weekend,
Pastor Ken